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image title Sometimes in Winter by Conan Kennedy

Conan writes: I was born in Dublin, spent some years in Africa, the USA and other places, now live in County Mayo. Married with four offspring. Write and edit books for a living. Mostly non-fiction historical material, but have had two novels published. Also work in journalism, contributing to various publications. My weekly column Collections appears (on Mondays) in the Irish Times. Write poetry at times when I decide starvation might be good for the soul. Rarely discuss or analyse my own work. Or indeed listen much to others so doing. That's about it, those are the facts, these are some of the poems.



M u l l a f a r r y

L e d w i d g e

S o m e t i m e s   i n   W i n t e r

C a r t o g r a p h y

I n   R a n e l a g h ,
W a t c h i n g   M u c k r o s s   G i r l s

C h r i s t m a s   i n   R a t h m i n e s

A b o u t   T i b e t ,   I   R e c k o n

D a l k e y   H i l l

F r e e d o m

D e s

A t   S t r o k e s t o w n

O n   P a l m e r s t o n   R o a d ,  D 6


Mullafarry is the first prize winner of the
2008 Blue Butterfly poetry competition.

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