aspen mag-azine

these are our lives
the stinging fly
edited by Declan Meade
Harrient Monroe &
the Imagists

Philip Whalen remembered
on the big bridge

an amazing photo gallery
of public lettering styles

weekly news, gossip, rumour
about paris at the
café metropole
l i n k s
Marineau art blog http://marieaunet.blogspot.com/
and http://marieaunet.ultra-book.com/
Marie-Claire Redon
aspen mag-azine
a rare publishing phenomenon, aspen publisher phyllis johnson produced
10 issues - each a box (magazine) containing multi-media contributions from a 60s who's who in
the arts - andy warhol (who edited issue 3), john lennon & yoko one, samuel beckett, john cale,
j g ballard, bill borroughs, allen ginsberg, lionel ziprin, ira cohen and a litany of artists,
painters, composers etc. the web version will keep you enjoyably exploring for a good time with
writings, images and mp3 music.
--> http://www.ubu.com/aspen/intro.html
special: jack macgowran reading beckett's "text
for nothing no.8" - click here.
stinging fly
under the editorship
of declan meade the stinging fly has
consistently delivered the widest variety of new writers and poets to irish and international
readers. often cash-strapped, the fly nonetheless delivers nicely printed
editions that are a pleasure to be-hold. subscribe
online and help keep the fly buzzing.
--> http://www.stingingfly.org
monroe & the imagists
very nice and concise yale library page on
the editor of poetry: a
magazine of verse,
which introduced the imagists, pound
and hd.
also see the beinecke rare book & manuscript library pages for
ee cummings, pound, hd, and gertrude stein.
--> http://www.library.yale.edu/beinecke/orient/mod2.htm
the big bridge
a webzine of poetry and everything else; featuring
works by michael rothenberg
(see poems),
ira cohen, david gitin, anselm hollo and a host of folks. pay a visit!
--> www.bigbridge.org
ignacio fusilier
ignacio (whose
photos appear herein) is an architect, photographer and painter who lives
in buenos aires, argentina.
check out the photographic, art and design galleries
--> www.fusilier.com.ar
lettering: a walk in central london
beautiful in an architectural way... slow
load due to lots of crisp, colorful pix. "This site is based
on a walk by Phil Baines for his graphic design students which was
then written up for the 1997 ATypI conference. "
--> www.publiclettering.org.uk
opening the space
mapping the transition from page to screen -
a guide & toolkit for creating new works in interactive space. part
of the trAce
online writing centre at nottingham trent university, uk.
--> http://trace.ntu.ac.uk/transition/
the electric acorn
twice yearly ezine of the dublin writers workshop,
edited by nessa o'mahony (see poems),
featuring new irish writers & poets - a must
visit. enjoy! also, check out the dublin
writers workshop for news, poetic
postcards, acorn mailing list, irish literary links, competitions and
--> http://acorn.dublinwriters.org/EA14/index.html
the café metropole, paris
a weekly online magazine about paris edited by
ric erickson - "for lovers, dreamers, hopeless romantics and ordinary
visitors to
tune in mondays for fresh news and feature articles written by habitués,
the latest cine & art posters, weather and goings-on. pull up a chair
and uncork a bottle of wine... the archives go back to 1996!
--> http://www.metropoleparis.com/
paul muldoon
slick and simple design featuring the pulitzer
prize winning poet. born in armagh, n. ireland, muldoon's site
covers his extraordinary
rise to poetic prominence, and features excellent quality live audio
readings. a comfortable space you will want to revisit often.
--> http://www.paulmuldoon.net/
poetic voices
travis-murphee's website may look like a jangle of early html styles,
but a little browsing will reward with a rich archive of writings,
interviews and poetry. solidly packed. a very worthwhile visit!
--> http://poeticvoices.com/
nice literature - searchable directory
Nice Literature says it is "the most useful website to find literature, poetry, fiction, hypertext, hyperdrama, hyperpoetry, kinetic poetry, visual poetry, recorded readings, nonfiction, creative nonfiction, interactive fiction and more." Give them a try and let us know your impressions.
--> http://www.niceliterature.com
To submit your link, email the editor@deaddrunkdublin.com or use our
comment/feedback form.