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Bob Marcacci photo on

bob writes:

I live with my wife and son in an apartment on the outskirts of Putignano, in the heel of Italy, south of Bari. Many of these poems, largely based on observations of the physical world, were taken down while aboard my current mode of transit.

The poems reflect my recent seasons in Italy, seasons which changed in the emotional realm as they did in the natural world, such as getting used to a new life in a new location or giving birth to a child. Mood and meaning change with the weather and we wrestle with what is left.

b i o
California Vacavillain presently living and writing in Putignano, Italy.
Recent work has appeared in Hamilton Stone Review, Mad Hatters' Review, Minimalist Concrete Poetry, Otoliths and Zafusy among others. Bob is host on i-Outlaw - come visit! And you can read Bob's blog here.

S p r i n g   R a i n   i n   I t a l y

A   c o l l e c t i o n   o f   p o e m s

b y   R o b e r t   M a r c a c c i



S p r i n g   R a i n   i n   I t a l y


S l o w   T r a i n s   S o u t h




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