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what's your number by irras han

i r r a s   w r i t e s :
While it would be quite ridiculous for me to imitate the style of Seamus Heaney, I agree with him that writing poetry is about “putting feelings into words”. Same goes for photography.

Photography makes me see colors differently and is very bad for my driving.

I didn’t start writing/photographing seriously until the past few years. Being the offspring of an artist and a missile designer made me feel split-brained while growing up. I think I have finally found the balance, and life is about seeking what you can be passionate about - finding your own magic number, whatever that may be, and riding it for a while.

So, what is your number?

b i o
Irras Han is an American living in Geneva, Switzerland. After giving up trying to find a country to call home, she is now enjoying the freedom that comes with being rootless. She is a past winner of Alliance Française poetry competition. Her poetry has appeared or is forthcoming in Altramarea 2003 (Rassegna Nazionale di Poesia Contemporanea), Poems Niederngasse, Tryst, The Ugly Tree, Softblow, and Magma. Her photography can be found in various magazines, including Aesthetica.





J  O  U  R  N  E  Y

A   c o l l e c t i o n   o f   p h o t o p o e m s

b y   I r r a s   H a n



a   m o r n i n g   c o m m u t e

j o u r n e y

t h e   f a l l i n g

b l u e

n e x t




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